Tuesday, February 10, 2009

People #1

Because I am too lazy tonight to post ALL the pictures Cody took of people, I decided to split the pictures into two posts. The pictures I took tonight will be of people Cody stayed with or was given an introduction to by another friend. Tomorrow will be all the delightful people Cody met while walking down the road!

I'll preface this post with saying that I asked Cody people's names over the phone, so if they're mislabeled or misspelled, it's not that Cody has forgotten you, it's just that I didn't hear him or didn't write it down right! If I know I mentioned folks in a previous post, I will put a link after that picture to the post in which they are mentioned.

Ken and Betty from Las Cruces. Cody was in their home for a Wednesday night Bible study, and they invited him for the night.

Ed and Colleen Johnson and their friend, Danny. (This is one I guessed before calling Cody-- we know Ed's brother up here in NY, and there sure is a family resemblance!)

Ed and Danny again.
"Day of Rest"

Yvonne Stephens and Emmy Nelson, two of the ministers that gave Cody a ride.

Emmy, unable to believe how full that little Prius is!
"Abilene..." , "Halfway There!"

The Sandon family from Lubbock.

Richard Sandon with his Jet-Ski? (I think that's what's under that wrap!)

The Wyatt family from Abilene. They met Cody in Hawley for breakfast one morning.
The folks Cody and Scott met with in Glen Rose for a Sunday morning Bible study. They all went out to eat together afterwards!
"Stroller Blues"

The Potters from Mountain Peak, who put up with Scott and Cody for several days!
Terry Erickson, whom Cody met while at Potters'. Mom and Dad actually knew him when he was a little boy in Fairbanks, Alaska!
Delsie and Jean Paul, Cody's hosts in Shreveport.

Jean's mother, Mary
Jean and Delsie's grandson. (I think Cody is looking forward to seeing his neices and nephews again!)

Now for something completely different... Not that the preceding folks weren't all beautiful, but I just had to include a scenery shot (or two.)

Sure is gorgeous therabouts! (I believe it was around the NM/TX border).
Stay tuned tomorrow for more pictures of the folks Cody has met!